
Posts Tagged ‘Snopes.com’

This whole subject of disinformation is a very tricky business. The elite that are in control are exceptionally good at deception in many ways, so you really have to be on your toes when researching a subject. See CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Internet & Interact With Users to Discredit Factual Information for starters.

You really have to be careful where you put your trust because there are many places, prominently placed on search engine results, that are there to “debunk” the truth for you. While the truth can’t really be debunked, they make a good try at it. These sites can be well funded and provide convincing arguments against the truth. They seem to tend to do this in a way that, if you’re not watching carefully, can make you feel foolish for believing whatever it is that you are investigating. They will also provide true information as well so the site looks legit until you investigate a bit more closely. If you use the Snopes.com website to vet information, see the article below.

Similarly, there are sites that sound like they’re going to talk about what you’re interested in, and they do, only they tell you a fabricated or misleading story, craftily bending the details to suit their ends. In fact, mainstream media is quite adept at this. From my perspective, I have to carefully pick and choose only very specific parts of mainstream media articles because (with occasional exceptions) they produce highly biased, government and corporate approved, “news”. Propaganda is closer to the truth of it.

There are also other sites that appear to provide alternative news, and they actually do so, but they also produce propaganda along with this already discovered news. Assuming the latest information regarding the VeteransToday.com website is true, and I’m gathering from numerous sources that it is true, the main man there, Gordon Duff, admitted in a video interview that about 40% of the content on the website is knowingly and intentionally not true. The video has been removed from YouTube for copyright issues, and Duff has since denied that he said it, and/or that it was actually the Israeli Mossad that modified the video! This does not ring true for numerous reasons if you do the research.

There are other sites that seem to only report the truth, and may perhaps even break new stories, but they steer clear of the real issues with Israel. There are two persons where I (and others) find this to be true: Alex Jones (infowars.com prisonplanet.tv) and Jesse Ventura. There are probably others. I can only speculate as to the reason that they steer clear of outing Israel for what it is. Maybe they have been threatened or bribed, or maybe they’re really working for the “other side”. I really don’t know, but I do know that something is gigantically wrong when Israel is not shown to be what it is – a terrorist state that is essentially in control of the U.S. government.

As I point out in my main page for Israel, Israel has invaded the U.S. government like a virus, to the point of being in complete control of U.S. foreign policy, and it is, with rare exception, the gatekeeper for every President, Senator and Representative and most likely, the heads of other agencies like the CIA – see this. In other words, if the Israeli lobby group of AIPAC and the JDL and Anti-Defamation League watchdog groups don’t like you, you will not be elected. Period. And if you say anything against Israel, they won’t like you, they’ll brand you as anti-Semitic, and they’ll work to destroy you, and they’re damn good at doing just that. I’m sure there are exceptions to this rule, but this is, without exaggeration, the rule accepted by almost every politician. For this reason, almost every person that is in congress, is by necessity, in league with these Israeli groups, and these groups don’t give a shit about what’s good for America. Those groups, along with many, many very high ranking self-professed Zionist government officials, are there to make sure that anything and everything that happens in the American government is, first and foremost, to the direct benefit of Israel. This is why the American government continues to vote, time after time, against the interests of America, and for the interests of Israel. Insanity. It’s just like a virus or a cancer that has invaded a body.

There are websites that do go against Israel, which I still find to be suspect. David Icke’s site falls into this category. I can’t say for sure whether his website is legit or not. I like quite a bit of what he has to say, and find some of his messages to be downright inspiring. On the other hand, his beliefs regarding what’s actually going on are so far out that it sounds ridiculous; this detracts from the overall believability of his messages. However, I also have to say, I’ve seen many things that initially sound completely crazy, that I eventually discover to be true. So I have to admit that he may be correct, I really don’t know. He may present completely legitimate information, and those in power are using his site (or any and every alternative news site) to gather names and information of people that are interested in following this type of information. Tracking the names of the believers, the people that actually know the truth. David may or may not be in on such an effort. As I said before, I really don’t know, but I feel that caution is warranted. As you’ll see, on this site and others, Big Brother IS listening, looking, recording, researching, harassing, arresting, detaining, torturing, maiming, murdering…

The following article was taken from the rense.com website. Thanks!)

Is Snopes A Disinformation Operation?

For those of you that put your trust in Snopes…

Many of the emails that have been sent or forwarded that had any anti Obama in it were negated by Snopes. I thought that was odd. Check this out.

Snopes, Soros and the Supreme Court’s Kagan.   We-l-l-l-l now, I guess the time has come to check out Snopes! You don’t suppose it might not be a good time to take a second look at some of the stuff that got kicked in the ditch by Snopes, do you?

We’ve known that it was owned by a lefty couple but hadn’t known it to be financed by Soros!

Snopes is heavily financed by George Soros, a big time supporter of Obama! In our Search for the truth department, we find what I have suspected on many occasions.

I went to Snopes to check something about the dockets of the new Supreme Court Justice. Elena Kagan, who Obama appointed, and Snopes said the email was false and there were no such dockets. So I Googled the Supreme Court, typed in Obama-Kagan, and guess what? Yep, you got it; Snopes Lied! Everyone of those dockets are there.

So Here is what I wrote to Snopes:

Referencing the article about Elana Kagan and Barak Obama dockets:

The information you have posted stating that there were no such cases as claimed and the examples you gave are blatantly false. I went directly to the Supreme Courts website, typed in Obama Kagan and immediately came up with all of the dockets that the article made reference to. I have long suspected that you really slant things but this was really shocking. Thank You. I hope you will be much more truthful in the future, but I doubt it.

That being said, Ill bet you didn’t know this.

Kagan was representing Obama in all the petitions to prove his citizenship. Now she may help rule on them. Folks, this is really ugly.

Chicago Politics and the beat goes on and on and on. Once again the US Senate sold us out!

Now we know why Obama nominated Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court. Pull up the Supreme Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama. She was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship. He owed her big time. All of the requests were denied of course. They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? The American people mean nothing any longer.It’s all about payback time for those who compromised themselves to elect someone who really has no true right to even be there.

Here are some websites of the Supreme Court Docket: You can look up some of these hearings and guess what?

Elana Kagan is the attorney representing Obama!

Check out these examples:




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